Feeling Overwhelmed

I wasn’t sure what to write about today. then I thought with this being a real and honest autism blog, the best thing I could write about is something that is affecting me today.  and today I am feeling overwhelmed and I honestly have no idea why!

Being autistic, sometimes it is easy to feel this way! often times the feeling comes because of some external factors i.e. something going on around us making us feel this way. this is the most logical explanation. but what happens when there is simply nothing going on around us? like me today I am currently sitting in a very quiet dining room in a quiet house with two dogs sleeping quietly near me. the light level is fine, the house is warm but not so warm where I would sweat and as I said previously, it is quiet and yet I still find myself feeling overwhelmed! I’m not particularly worried about anything and although things could be better, I’m certainly not stressing about anything as such! 

so what can I do then? I find myself asking. I usually find watching some YouTube videos and having a bite to eat is a great place to start! maybe play a video game after I have eaten or listen to some music! the point is when we feel like this it is ok to look after yourself and bring yourself down to a comfortable place, especially if there are things to be done. if we don’t address the overwhelmed feelings as soon as we can then we will often stay in this mental state all day and feel worse after not getting anything done! it’s usually best to get it out of the way so you have far more of your day to be positive and get done what needs to be done.

it is always important to remember that it is absolutely ok not to be ok but it is equally important to not allow ourselves to be consumed by the feelings, this is why self-care is so important to mental wellness and if you need to take time to focus on yourself then that’s great! find yourself a good book and a comfy spot, watch YouTube videos, eat some of your favourite food, take a bath with candles, crawl into your own blanket fort and watch movies – do whatever it is that will make you feel more like you again! and remember those feelings are not a forever thing!